Our History
Clarence Center Vol. Fire Co.
The 1st fire company in the town of Clarence is formed.
David Weidmen was elected as President, John Schetter as Vice President, George Schmitt as Secretary, Charles Foote as Treasurer, Albert Zurbrich and Peter Croops as Auditors and George Herdegen as Fire Chief.

1st Fire Chief in the Town of Clarence
The 1st Fireman’s Picnic Fundraiser.
The first fundraising effort was a Fireman’s picnic which took place in July of 1908. Fireworks and dancing on the outdoor dance platform brought the first picnic to a successful close.
The Clarence Center Volunteer Fireman’s Association is officially organized.
To further assist the stock company, the Clarence Center Volunteer Fireman’s Association (CCVFA) was officially organized on October 5, 1921. Its first dance called a Holiday Dance netted $44.13 in profit with waltzing and cider until 4:00 a.m.
The 1st CCVFA fire truck is purchased.
The Clarence Center Volunteer Fire Association purchased its first fire truck; a 1922 Reo chemical truck.

The 1st Labor Day Picnic.
The association approves holding the first Labor Day Picnic. This tradition has continued to this date with the exception of a short break during World War ll and a few years break during the mid to late sixties.
Trading up, to a Buffalo truck.
The Reo is traded in for a Buffalo truck equipped with a 500 gallon per minute pump at a cost of $5,000.00.

The CCVFC Gazebo is built.
In 1931 the present day gazebo was built for $396.33.
The Ladies Auxiliary is formed.
The organization of the Ladies Auxiliary took place on January 17, 1933. The purpose of the organization was to assist at picnics, and other social functions sponsored by the volunteer firemen. Their slogan was “ever ready to assist.”
The Fire Company Drum Corps.
In 1934 the Fire Company Drum Corps was started.

The CCVFA is incorporated as the Clarence Center Volunteer Fire Company Inc.
Due to the increased population in the Town along with the acquisition of more property and fire fighting equipment by the Volunteer Fireman’s Association, it became necessary to form a membership corporation.
This was accomplished in May, 1938 when the association was incorporated as the Clarence Center Volunteer Fire Company Inc. Serving as Officers then were: President Alvin Riegle, Vice President Lawrence Reinhard, Secretary Carlton Schaad, Treasurer Lawrence Hartwick, and Chief Peter Heiman.
Mr Carlton Riegle who is still on the active rolls today was a charter member when the department was incorporated.
A Fire Police Squad is formed.
A Fire Police squad was organized in the mid 1940’s to assist and protect men and equipment responding to alarms.
KBS-7 International truck is placed in service.
In 1948 a KBS-7 International truck was placed in service complete with a one thousand gallon tank.
The 1st CCVFC Ambulance is purchased.
In 1951, recognizing the needs of the community, the Clarence Center Volunteer Fire Company purchased their first ambulance, a 1951 Chevrolet at a cost of $4,123.00. The Company established a trained first aid squad and inaugurated emergency first aid service for the entire town on June 7, 1951.

A new 3-Bay Truck Room is built.
In 1952, the Fire Company built a new three bay truck room for $7,957.00 to house their equipment and moved out of Williams Hall.
CCVFC purchases an additional 13 acres of land.
In 1953 the company purchased an additional 13 acres of land for $6,400 to be used as a parking lot for Labor Day Picnics.
The 3-Bay Truck Room is more than doubled in size.
In 1963 an addition was built onto the truck room which more than doubled its size for a cost of $27,600.00.
The CCVFC Annual Fund Drive is started.
The annual fund drive began in 1966 which allowed the Fire Company to purchase needed supplies not covered in the Town budget.
CCVFC gets a recreation room and banquet hall / meeting room.
In 1974 a second addition was added to the truck room providing a recreation room and banquet hall / meeting room.
The CCVFC Fire Station is renovated.
Our most recent renovation took place in 2001 at a cost of 1.8 million which added much needed office, training and storage space and now provides the next generation with a state of the art facility for the protection and benefit of the continually increasing population of our fire protection district. be continued!